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616 8013 京都市右京区谷口唐田ノ内町 1-6

1-6 Karatanouchicho, Taniguchi, Ukyo-ku,
Kyoto-shi, Kyoto,6168013, Japan

075 465 2373
075 465 2374
+81 75 465 2373
+81 75 465 2374
616 8013 京都市右京区谷口唐田ノ内町 1-6

1-6 Karatanouchicho, Taniguchi, Ukyo-ku,
Kyoto-shi, Kyoto,6168013, Japan

075 465 2373
075 465 2374
+81 75 465 2373
+81 75 465 2374
National Gallery of Art, En-nan Tea Garden / Dry Landscape Garden at The Japanese Daimyo Exhibition ナショナルギャラリー 大名展燕庵露地・枯山水庭園
Hisui-en Garden ( Design ) 糸魚川翡翠園設計
ANA Hotels Pastel Kyoto Garden ( Design / Construction ) 全日空ホテルズパステル京都庭園工事設計施工
Taima-dera Temple Dai-Hojo Garden ( Design / Construction ) 當麻寺奥院大方丈庭園
Toowoomba City Japanese Garden 'Jyuraku-en' ( Construction Supervision ) オーストラリア・トゥウーンバ市 日本庭園(寿楽園)施工監理
Arai-cho Gymnasium Garden Planning and Remodeling Hamana river's Revetment ( Design ) 新居町体育館造園計画設計(浜名川護岸改修を含む)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts Japanese Garden 'Tenshin-en' ( Design / Supervision ) ボストン美術館天心園日本庭園設計監理
Yoko Museum Garden (ex: Kubo Museum) Keishu-en ( Construction Supervision ) 陽光美術館(旧:久保美術館)庭園 慧洲園建設工事施工監理
Mimuroto-ji Temple Garden ( Design ) 三室戸寺庭園
Gyokusui-en Garden ( Design ) 糸魚川玉翠園設計
Miroku-no-sato Modern Chinese Art Museum Garden ( Design / Construction Supervision ) 弥勒の里美術館庭園設計施工監理
Daisen Park Japanese Garden Shoin Architecture ( Design ) 大仙公園日本庭園書院建物基本設計・実施設計
Otsuka's Residential Garden ( Design ) 大塚邸
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Japanese Garden ( Design / Construction Supervision ) ジミー・カーター大統領センター内日本庭園設計施工監理
Enjyo-ji Temple Garden ( Design ) 淡路島円城寺庭園
Ohori Park Japanese Garden ( Construction Supervision ) 大濠公園内日本庭園施工監理
George Fesus's Residential Garden ( Design / Construction Supervision ) フィーサス邸庭園設計施工監理
What We Do


We, Nakane Garden Research & Landscape Consultant Co., are not a group of pure artists but professionals of landscape architecture. Alongside clients’ thoughts and requirements, Alongside clients’ thoughts and requirements, we aim to sublimate landscapes to be valued as "ART" than to create our own art works as pure artists. Even though, our primary speciality is in Japanese gardens, we are not bound by its design and materials. We put our effort in landscaping with beauty which is suitable for any given situations. Of course, our landscaping and its technique have breath of traditional Japanese gardens, even if we create Contemporary landscapes and Western-style landscapes. Landscape of Japanese gardens is by the laws of nature. For this reason, it evokes people’s sympathy and calmness from all around the world. In another words, Japanese gardens are created from common thoughts, “Humans’ crave for nature”. Because of this, we learn from nature, cherish the gardens created from the law of nature and desire to create landscapes which nurture sense of beauty in people.




  • 伝統的⽇本庭園の計画、設計、施⼯、

  • 公園緑地、都市景観に関する調査、

  • 海外に於ける造園計画の調査、設計、

  • 海外の造園設計事務所との協働による

  • ランドスケープアーキテクトの視点に

  • ⼀般測量業務

  • Planning, design, implementation, and supervision of traditional Japanese gardens

  • Survey, planning, and design of park green areas/cityscapes

  • Survey, design, and implementation supervision of overseas landscaping projects

  • Planning, design, and supervision of Western-style landscaping in collaboration with overseas landscaping design offices

  • Planning and production of Contemporary art from a landscape architect's perspective

  • General surveying


Pine trees, Japanese lantern, water bowl, it is likely to be miscomprehended that gardens with these three elements are Japanese gardens. In fact, those are neither necessary nor sufficient conditions. In essence, Japanese gardens are “those which represented landscapes of nature inside gardens”. The law which created natural landscapes are identical on the earth and humans live among landscapes which followed from the universal law. As a result, even if visiting a place for the first time and stand in front of the natural landscapes, mind began to ease and immersed in impression and calmness. Japanese gardens follow landscaping from nature. Therefore, it sense of beauty is accepted naturally by not only Japanese people but also by people from all over the world.



  • 古庭園の調査、保存修理の計画、設計、

  • ⽂化財庭園の保存、利活⽤、管理計画

  • ⾃然環境及び⽂化景観の保存、再⽣、

  • Survey, preservation and repair planning, design, supervision, and implementation of antique gardens

  • Preservation, utilization, and management planning of cultural asset gardens

  • Preservation, restoration, planning, and design of natural environments and cultural landscapes


For more than 50 years, the Nakane Garden Research & Landscape Consultant Co. has managed, maintained, and repaired countless antique gardens around Kyoto. We archive and store variable documents from the past time with at most care. We have confidence in understanding how antique Japanese gardens are created, lost structure, repaired and restored more than anybody. Like Medicine, Chemistry and Physics, Landscape architecture has to prove its theory by practices and experiments. Our design process starts after understanding clients’ aim in gardening, purpose, utilization and cost performance, then after research in nature environment and historical background. Initial impression as an artist at site is also an important factor.


Creation & Maintenance

  • 伝統的日本庭園及び造園一般の維持管理

  • 巨樹、古⽊等の樹勢回復、保全に関するコンサルティング(樹⽊医業務)

  • Creation (construction) and maintenance of traditional Japanese gardens and other landscape architectural space

  • Consultation on revitalization and preservation of large and old trees (arborist service)


Creating landscape will be based on ‘elaborate theories’ and ‘well-considered blueprint’. However, landscaping needs to deal with natural materials. Thus, the quality of work will be defined by author's flexibility on site. Because of that, we consider construction supervision on site is the most important aspect of creating landscape. The first president, Kinsaku Nakane has given instructions for each tree and stone. Even today, we have kept this tradition as that author gives decision and direction for details on site.